Best Director Poll Winners (Complete)

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Big Magilla
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Re: Best Director Poll Winners (Complete)

Post by Big Magilla »

Billy Wilder and Martin Scorsese are our favorite directors with four wins each, followed by David Lean and Stanley Kubrick with three each. Josef von Sternberg; William Wyler; Michael Curtiz; Frank Capra; John Ford; Alfred Hitchcock; Elia Kazan; Federico Fellini; Mike Nichols; Francis Ford Coppola; Ingmar Bergman; Woody Allen; Robert Altman; Steven Spielberg; Clint Eastwood; Ang Lee; David Fincher and Terrence Malick have two each. Congratulations to them all and to all of you for participating.
Big Magilla
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Best Director Poll Winners (Complete)

Post by Big Magilla »

1927/28 - King Vidor, The Crowd
1928/29 - Frank Lloyd, The Divine Lady
1929/30 - Lewis Milestone, All Quiet on the Western Front
1930/31 - Josef von Sternberg, Morocco
1931/32 - Josef von Sternberg, Shanghai Express (2)
1932/33 - George Cukor, Little Women
1934 - Frank Capra, It Happened One Night
1935 - John Ford, The Informer
1936 - William Wyler, Dodsworth
1937 - Leo McCarey, The Awful Truth
1938 - Michael Curtiz, Angels With Dirty Faces
1939 - Victor Fleming, Gone With the Wind
1940 - Alfred Hitchcock, Rebecca
1941 - Orson Welles, Citizen Kane
1942 - William Wyler, Mrs. Miniver (2)
1943 - Michael Curtiz, Casablanca (2)
1944 - Billy Wilder, Double Indemnity
1945 - Billy Wilder, The Lost Weekend (2)
1946 - Frank Capra, It's a Wonderful Life (2)
1947 - David Lean, Great Expectations
1948 - John Huston, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
1949 - Carol Reed, The Fallen Idol
1950 - Billy Wilder, Sunset Boulevard (3)
1951 - Elia Kazan, A Streetcar Named Desire
1952 - John Ford, The Quiet Man (2)
1953 - Fred Zinnemann, From Here to Eternity
1954 - Alfred Hitchcock, Rear Window (2)
1955 - Elia Kazan, East of Eden (2)
1956 - George Stevens, Giant
1957 - David Lean, The Bridge on the River Kwai (2)
1958 - Vincente Minnelli, Gigi
1959 - Billy Wilder, Some Like It Hot (4)
1960 - Alfred Hitchcock, Psycho (3)
1961 - Federico Fellini, La Dolce Vita
1962 - David Lean, Lawrence of Arabia (3)
1963 - Federico Fellini, 8 1/2 (2)
1964 - Stanley Kubrick, Dr. Strangelove
1965 - Robert Wise, The Sound of Music
1966 - Michelangelo Antonioni, Blow-Up (tie)
1966 - Mike Nichols, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (tie)
1967 - Mike Nichols, The Graduate (2)
1968 - Stanley Kubrick, 2001: A Space Odyssey (2)
1969 - John Schlesinger, Midnight Cowboy
1970 - Ken Russell, Women in Love
1971 - Stanley Kubrick, A Clockwork Orange (3)
1972 - Bob Fosse, Cabaret
1973 - Ingmar Bergman, Cries and Whispers
1974 - Francis Ford Coppola, The Godfather Part II
1975 - Robert Altman, Nashville
1976 - Sidney Lumet, Network
1977 - Woody Allen, Annie Hall
1978 - Michael Cimino - The Deer Hunter
1979 - Francis Ford Coppola, Apocalypse Now (2)
1980 - Martin Scorsese, Raging Bull
1981 - Warren Beatty, Reds
1982 - Steven Spielberg, E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
1983 - Ingmar Bergman, Fanny & Alexander (2)
1984 - Milos Forman, Amadeus
1985 - Akria Kurosawa, Ran
1986 - David Lynch, Blue Velvet
1987 - Bernardo Bertolucci, The Last Emperor
1988 - Martin Scorsese, The Last Temptation of Christ (2)
1989 - Woody Allen, Crimes and Misdemeanors (2)
1990 - Martin Scorsese, GoodFellas (3)
1991 - Jonathan Demme, The Silence of the Lambs
1992 - Robert Altman, The Player (2) (tie)
1992 - Clint Eastwood, Unforgiven (tie)
1993 - Steven Spielberg, Schindler's List (2)
1994 - Quentin Tarantino, Pulp Fiction
1995 - Mike Figgis, Leaving Las Vegas
1996 - Joel Coen, Fargo
1997 - Atom Egoyan, The Sweet Hereafter
1998 - Terrence Malick, The Thin Red Line
1999 - Sam Mendes, American Beauty
2000 - Ang Lee, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (tie)
2000 - Steven Soderbergh, Traffic (tie)
2001 - David Lynch, Mulholland Drive
2002 - Pedro Almodovar, All About My Mother
2003 - Peter Jackson, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
2004 - Clint Eastwood, Million Dollar Baby (2)
2005 - Ang Lee, Brokeback Mountain (2)
2006 - Martin Scorsese, The Departed (4)
2007 - Paul Thomas Anderson, There Will Be Blood
2008 - David FIncher, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
2009 - Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker
2010 - David Fincher, The Social Network (2)
2011 - Terence Malick, The Tree of Life (2)
2012 - Michael Haneke, Amour
2013 - Alfonso Cuaron, Gravity
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